Frequently asked questions


Until what age can I become pregnant?

There is no legal limit for a natural pregnancy. However, if we are talking about assisted reproduction techniques, the Law states that a woman can undergo them whilst being in a suitable psychological-physical state for pregnancy. Pursuant to this, the medical community has put the age limit to 50.

Assisted reproduction techniques

Is there a waiting list for starting an assisted reproduction treatment?

No. We adapt to your needs so that you can start immediately and, this way, the probability of becoming pregnant increases.

What probability do I have of becoming pregnant?

The probability is very high, but depends on each case. According to the chosen technique and your particular situation (ovarian reserve, medical history, etcetera), it will be more or less easy to achieve it. For example, with Egg Donation, the pregnancy rate is very high, at almost 70%.

How many embryos can be transferred in an IVF cycle?

The legal transfer limit is a maximum of 3 embryos. In any case, taking the high rates of embryo implantation into consideration and in order to reduce the risk of a multiple pregnancy, usually 1 or 2 embryos are transferred, according to each particular case.


Who are the sperm donors?

They are young men, aged between 18 and 35, with good physical and mental health. A sperm donor undergoes a complete study of his personal and family history, psychological tests, blood analysis to rule out infectious sexually transmitted diseases and a complete genetic analysis. Furthermore, they are only accepted as donors if they have optimal quality sperm.

Can I choose the physical characteristics of my sperm donor?

No, it is the specialised medical team who chooses your sperm donor, according to your physical characteristics and blood group. This choice is always made by looking for the most physical similarities.

Can I find out the identity of my donor?

No. Donation is anonymous so that you cannot find out the donor’s identity. He will also NEVER find out your identity nor that of your future child.

What can I know about my sperm donor?

You get information on his physical characteristics and blood group.

Who are the egg donors?

They are young women, aged between 18 and 32, with good physical and mental health. Their personal and family histories are assessed, they undergo psychological tests and blood analysis to rule out the presence of infectious or sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, they undergo a complete genetic analysis.

Can I choose who my donor will be?

No. It is the specialised medical team who chooses the most appropriate donor, according to your physical characteristics and your blood group. It is a function that is performed with the utmost care, responsibility and by looking for the most physical similarities.

Can I know the identity of my donor?

No. Egg Donation is regulated by Law and is anonymous. This means that you cannot find out the donor’s identity, nor can she ever find out your identity or that of your child.


What is endometriosis?

It is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, where it is usually found. It tends to appear in the Fallopian tubes, ovaries or peritoneal cavity. It depends on the levels of female sex hormones and it increases in each ovulation cycle until it is shed during menstruation.

There are different degrees of endometriosis and the most severe are associated with pain (essentially during menstruation) and infertility (tubal obstruction, ovarian cysts, etc.).

In Vitro Fertilisation is the assisted reproduction technique that is used to treat infertility associated with endometriosis.

What is the Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?

It is a very common condition in women and it gets this name from the presence of multiple small cysts (follicles) on the surface of the ovary, when seen by ultrasound.

In many cases, they do not cause any problems, but they do if some of these women have cycles in which there is no ovulation, usually very irregular menstrual cycles or even a lack of menstruation.

Therefore, in order to become pregnant, a woman with polycystic ovaries will need the help of assisted reproduction.

Can I be a mother after tubal ligation?

Yes. After tubal ligation, the ovaries continue to function and produce eggs that can therefore be fertilised every month.

In this case, the technique would be In Vitro Fertilisation.


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